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Monday, January 10, 2011

Unlimited data on iPhone?

Good news for all of you iPhone owners/AT&T customers who are itching for an unlimited data plan for your iPhone.

According to a report from The Wall Street Journal on Sunday, once Verizon begins offering the iPhone, it will also offer an unlimited data plan that customers can use to rack up hours of streaming via Hulu, Netflix or who knows what.

According to the WSJ: "it wasn't clear how long Verizon would offer unlimited-data plans. Its executives have said repeatedly that the industry needs to move to some form of tiered pricing—charging different prices for different amounts of data use—as mobile Internet service use rises, but for the moment the carrier is sticking to its existing plans."

Despite the uncertainty over how long this may last, this is exciting news for those who have been with AT&T recently but have longed for an unlimited plan.